These three verses were the scripture verses for Day 6 of Week 9 HWMR, The Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity: The Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity in the Believers' Living for the Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ. They really touched my conscience.
I can't think of how many words that express malice, bitterness and anger that I've spoken to my fellow brothers and sisters over the past 17 years that I've been alive, let alone everyone else around me. Seriously! This word gave me a huge kick in the butt when I read it, making me realize what a dispenser of corrupt words I've been. And now let's set aside all the mean things I've said, what about all the vain words I've spoken over the years? Oh my gosh... And you can't believe how much time I've wasted discussing clothes, shoes and bags. I never thought I was a girly-girl but my girly nature has manifested itself. I AM GIRLY. I really need to pray to the Lord more that he would permeate my mind and thus renew it so that I would not speak so many vain words... I need to be more careful with what I say... =]
AND, today was the start of our much-anticipated 96 Lessons Training. It comprises of (duhhh) 96 lessons which will be covered over a period of 96 weeks. THAT'S ALMOST TWO YEARS. Every week we have to read, pursue and thoroughly study one lesson. Every day we need to cover a small bit. Every week we have to meet together in our study group and fellowship and pursue the lesson together. Every month, all the saints taking part in this training will meet together and we'll be TESTED on what we have been studying!!! Oh my gosh, it's almost like a Youth Preparatory Training back in Malaysia except this time I have to make it work alongside my college studies and other activities! WHOA. Really need the Lord's grace.
Despite the heavy schedule and demand of the 96 Lessons Training (we actually have Morning Revival criteria to fulfil now. We can't just do the usual calling on the Lord and merely reading the word for that day; we have to do all sorts of exercises), I am actually looking forward to it! The secret ingredient in this training is actually our day by day regulation. The more we regulate ourselves and constrict our daily living, the more we will benefit from this training!
Oh Lord Jesus! I consecrate myself to be trained and perfected by you, for the work of the ministry, for the building up of the Body of Christ!!! =)
wow wow wow. Speak many many malice ahh.. Miss your piano demonstration.. lols
my piano demonstration? what do you mean??
meaning you play good piano la.. now no chance hear di..
ohh hahaha thanks =P
the piano situation here is totally opposite to that in PJ. here there are sooooo many people who can play the piano and they're all so good. in PJ we still have a lack of piano players =D
But there're nothing when compared to you LOL
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