Sunday, January 24, 2010

waiting for the flight at Changi

well i'm writing this post from Changi airport. i gotta write fast cos the Internet time is running out. 3.5 minutes left to go only.

anyway, i miss all my friends already! i miss dad and ko as well =(

i miss malaysia tooooo!!!!!!!

however, i'm looking forward to the long flight =) i'm gonna watch the movies, and then i'm gonna watch my anime! hahaha. oh dear. what on earth have i turned into...


Friday, January 22, 2010


I, Hui Linn Lee, have come up with the most awesome solution to my long-term problem. It's the problem concerning the White Bread. I have solved it! It's been making me annoyingly emotional and hormonal for the past few months. But I now have an answer to it!

It's so easy! It's so simple!

Last night, I was lying in my bed, contemplating the mysteries of the universe... Haha, kidding. I was just thinking about Fruits Basket =D
Well anyway, I was contemplating the near-perfectness of Yuki Sohma (Japanese animes really annoy me in that sense; the males are always so ideal). And I was thinking about my problem. And I could feel my psychological heart writhing uncontrollably under the immense suffering caused by this problem, mainly because it was such a tough one. On the one hand, I wanted to let it out. On the other hand, I knew I shouldn't let it out because that would cause even more pain and suffering and endless sighing (having studied CTS, we know that by utilitarianism calculus we should try to promote happiness blah blah blah blah). I felt like there really wasn't any other option but to opt for the one I knew I would regret. Sigh. So is the life of a teenager.

I fell asleep thinking about my problem.

And I woke up thinking about my problem.

And when I woke up, I realized that last night, I had already found the answer. I had already discovered a way out of this dilemma. I crushed my hyperactive emotions once and for all. It was so mind-blowingly ingenious that I even wanted to write a story about it... But of course I didn't bother, being the lazy bum that I am.

So yeap. It's done. It's solved. And now, it's aaaallll good. *thumbs up*
But shush! It's still a secret ;)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

bonded by trauma

i love her!!!

one summer's day

well i just got back from singapore about an hour ago and i'm doing various things, such as listening to the Spirited Away soundtrack by Joe Hisaishi on YouTube... seriously, this guy's a genius. i love the song! i wish i could learn it but i'm sure the music score costs money, and it won't be cheap..

anyhow, singapore was great. the hotel i stayed in was amazing; probably the best hotel i've ever been too. as usual, mum and i raided the hotel room for cool freebies. haha. out of our best loot, we got some bars of white moss Acca Kappa soap. i can't believe they were giving them away like soup at a soup kitchen. we also took their ultra-comfortable bed room slippers. =)

i watched Spirited Away again =) this time, i watched the Japanese version. Ma promised to watch it with me. but she fell asleep even before we reached the part where Chihiro meets Yubaba. This emoticon is now extremely accurate--> =_=
she REFUSED to even try to keep awake! maybe it's because we only started watching the movie at 11:45PM =P
well it doesn't matter, cos she fell asleep and i had to carry on by myself =( she said it was boring and childish and she didn't understand why i liked it so much. OH IF ONLY SHE KNEW =D
so i watched the rest of the movie by myself, which was like, 95% of the movie. it was good, of course, but i still prefer the Walt Disney english dub version. it's easier for me to watch. but both are good la! i still prefer Haku's voice in the english dub. it's more masculine and more comforting ^^ ahhh.... i was making screenshots of Spirited Away scenes and pasting them in a Microsoft Word document.. haha... okay maybe a little too obsessed? =)

anyway, enough about Haku and Spirited Away. i did some quality shopping while i was in Singapore. i bought a pair of skinny jeans from Esprit (70% off!!!) and a Baby-G watch. well okay the watch was bought by my dad. hahaha. it's yellow and it's AWESOME. =)

i also got loads of ang-pows. good luck/farewell presents from the various aunties. what's more, they're in singapore dollars =D i also got some from my Penang relatives. woo hoooo!

they gave us free bath salts so i took a hot bath once a day for two days. it was much needed, if i may say so. running around the hospital on Ko's behalf was quite tiring. but praise the Lord that his condition has been diagnosed! it's a thyroid gland problem and he really needs to take care of his health now.. it was a weird feeling, rushing around the hospital that day.. We went to Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre to see the doctors there. it was very educational! i really respect them, and it kinda makes me wanna be a doctor even more... They were very kind to Ko despite his tendency to be irrational. Anyway, i was saying that it was a weird feeling. Weird because it was a mixture of feelings. On the one hand, i felt extremely tired because the lifts took too long to come so i had to use the stairs to run from the Laboratory to the seats where Ko was sitting. Up down up down up down up down GAHHHHH. Yeah. So it was pretty tiring. On the other hand, i was also feeling rather good about myself; i've always wanted to be sort of the big sis, right? And that was my chance. I felt really responsible talking to the doctors and the nurses on my brother's behalf, cos he was too upset to talk to them. The third feeling was a slight anxiety... It was mainly brought upon by my parents saying things like, "In Australia you keep his medicine for him, okay?" or "You must accompany him to see the doctors. Make sure he's OK." and other things like that. I know i should help out and be responsible for my family's sake, but i'm just 16 going on 17, having to take care of a 23 year old! Well i guess that's God's plan for me... He always knows the best ways to transform us... I just hope i can gain more of Christ during this entire process. And BTW, here's the premium statement made by my dad: "Your Ko's health condition makes me feel even more sure about you doing medicine, so that you can help him."


Well I'm glad that after two hectic chaos-filled days we were able to finally relax and have a REAL family dinner. we went to this amazing Italian restaurant! I think i've put on weight =( i haven't done any exercise since the Penang trip. I feel fat.

Anyway, doesn't matter! Cos it's ALLLLL good =)

More updates soon! One week left of Malaysia, then it's Adelaide. SIGH.

Monday, January 11, 2010


well actually i DO have a few little things to post, including some photos of ME sitting alongside Gurney Drive, accompanied by a very thought-provoking creative writing piece laying out my thoughts as i sat along the Drive. i'm trying to download ActiveSync so i can sync photos from Ma's phone to my laptop, but it's taking minutes...

update on ActiveSync download: 3 minutes left... =_=

it's taking ages, even with this high-speed hotel broadband connection. SIGH.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

la belle mer

Yesterday night, I went to a seafood restaurant by the seaside for dinner. There were a few hand-made swings fashioned from rope and planks hanging from the thick tree branches.

Looking out into the blackness of the horizon, the line which separated sky from sea blurred into a serene uncertainty. The wind whispered ever so softly.

I hoisted myself onto the swing closest to the sea, feeling the rough rope squirming under the light touch of my fingers. I listened to the sea shushing the shore to sleep with its gentle waves crashing lovingly against the white sand.

The shore was in a cloak of shadow, but the waves and the wind kept me company. I don't know how long it's been since I last kept so quiet that I could hear the the timid swish of the sea, unfurling itself against the shore. I can't even remember when's the last time I visited the beach.

I used to know the sand and the sea as a plaything. As a young child, the beach was a playmate to me. But tonight, it stole the show. The spotlight was upon this lone performer on its vast stage, swaying to its own sad song, playing its melody to soothe its own churning soul.

When I left, it was still singing. I left it as I found it, melancholy and alone. I breathed one last ocean breath and then, as soft as the wind stroking my hair, I made my way back to the restaurant.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

just one more =)

bunch of cuties

green eyes, blue robes, skinny legs, and a hairstyle to die for.

some of these fan arts are really good!! i love Haku's flip flops. LOL.
here's a random fan art i found of Haku and Chihiro that doesn't really look like the original anime but still it's quite sweet. unfortunately Haku looks even more like a girl than he already does.


one of the sweetest awesomest cuddliest cutest FKJSDLKFJSDKHf-est movies i have watched in a long time. Haku is as sweet as ever; he hasn't changed a single bit since i first watched him in action when I was in Year 9. if anything, he's only gotten better! haha.

so here are a few things that either strike me, intrigue me, or make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Chihiro is such a cutie. she's supposed to be only ten years old in the movie but i feel that she's wise beyond her years, and she's much braver than she looks. if I was caught in a spirit world and my parents had just been turned into pigs and i had to deal with big-headed old witches and talking frogs and weird faceless spirits who have a crush on me, i would be pretty freaked out. (but i guess meeting Haku makes it all better. heh heh *goofy laugh*)

Haku is supposed to be twelve.
And contrary to popular belief, he is NOT a sissy neither is he "girly". in fact he's the most caring, serious, dependable, MACHO young boy i've ever seen in my life. (both in the real world and in the virtual cartoon world)

i love it how Chihiro and Haku never say "I love you" at all to each other and yet have such an obvious attachment to each other. Reading Haku/Chihiro fan fictions are BAAAD for my emotions because they make up really heart-wrenching stories about the two characters that never took place in the original movie at all but for some reason i can just IMAGINE the story happening in my mind.. Like one really sad fan fiction involved Haku dying and his last words to Chihiro were along the lines of "I love you... Continue to love me even when i'm gone..."
AND I COULD JUST IMAGINE THE SCENE... gahhhhh so saaaad...
see what i mean? it's bad for me. BAAAD.

okay mom is scolding me now because i forgot to bring our conditioner and now we have to use the hotel's crappy one. haha. also, Ko went swimming and i kinda feel bad not going with him but for goodness sake we just got to the hotel!! i wanna relaaaxxx. ;)

anyhoo, back to SPIRITED AWAY *excitement*
i find the concept of spirited away really good. it's such a frigging random theme and yet everything seems to gel together really perfectly. the whole Haku being Yubaba's apprentice thing and the entrance of no-face and the greedy bathhouse workers and Chihiro's cuteness and determination to work hard. haha. AWWW I LOVE HER.

watching Spirited Away for a second time now reminds me how much Chihiro is like me. Small, helpless, naïve, not used to hard work (haha okay actually i am QUITE used to hard work) and spoilt.. but over the course of the movie we see her transforming into a humble, persevering, loving, caring and courageous young girl... many traits there that i could never possess on my own.

as for Haku, i think they have rightly classified him as a being of the "spirit world" since there is probably no guy like him on Earth. selfless, trustworthy, kind... he didn't even HAVE to help Chihiro but he just decided to anyway. Why? WHY did he do that? that's another thing i keep asking myself. it's like a mysterious moving love that nobody can see... i used to think that Chihiro is extremely lucky for being able to meet Haku, but then again, after having met him, it would be even more painful to leave him... So why the trouble eh?

let me now take the time to remind myself that THIS IS A MOVIE. IT IS VIRTUAL. IT IS NOT REAL.

alright, i've reminded myself.

suddenly, the real world seems more appealing. and anyway, we were never meant to live in virtual reality. =]

Friday, January 8, 2010


wow this morning i just received some excellent news. Niqi was immensely touched at yesterday's home meeting, and afterwards she told me she was even more determined to get baptised now. So yesterday night she went home and called up her dad to have a talk with him and to tell him that she really wanted to get baptised, but she still needed his permission.

This morning, i found a missed call on my phone from Niqi, so i called her up to see what was the matter. Turns out, her dad agreed! Niqi is going to get baptised! PRAISE THE LORD!!! He really is the victorious One sitting on the throne! Praise Him for His sovereignty!

"Glorious freedom, wonderful freedom,
No more in chains of sin I repine,
Jesus the glorious Emancipator,
Now and forever, He shall be mine."

WOW. The Lord really does work in wonders. I'm so happy for Niqi. i really wish i could be there to witness her baptism, but if it isn't in the Lord's plan, i'll just have to accept it. I hope that someone will at least take some pictures! =P

So yeah. as it stands now, i'm probably the most entangled one out of all my friends. Celine's stopped eating her Breakfast, and so has Niqi. The Breakfasts are out of their lives... so now i'm "alone"...

nevermind... Press on! Press on!


Thursday, January 7, 2010

bloggers block

this a very poorly named post, i know. but seriously, everytime i sit in front of my computer, ready to post something new, my mind goes totally blank. i am unable to think in front of a computer. perhaps that is why some of the stupidest things i've ever said were said via my computer =_=

well here i am, sitting in my chair, da dee doo dee da doo dee....

okay, confession. i actually have to draft out my blog posts before i write them on here. is that stupid? i hope not. cos i have bloggers block when i'm in front of my computer. URGH. so yeah. i use that Paperchase notebook that Kristen gave me to jot down my thoughts. (this particular post hasn't been drafted, mind you. I'm not THAAAT sad.

Here's a bunch of updates i wrote a while ago:

reading the Life Study of Genesis is becoming a real chore. especially the two chapters a day thing. i don't know when's the last time i actually read two chapters in a day. my online Life-Study schedule must really be collecting dust by now.
nevermind... Press on!!!

i simply adore eating dodol. poor Ko can't eat it so i have to eat it secretly in order not to tempt him. i really pity him cos he has a huuuge sweet tooth.

i wish i could get a copy of Keel's Simple Diary but it's so expensive. so i could just try out my own one. (here goes...)
Today, my day was...
(v) a coin.
( ) a radio.
( ) a frustration.

Please explain why:
because it has a heads (facebooking) and a tails (feeling bored). I'm being dangerously frank here.

(Note: words used for the Simple Diary were taken from 'The Book Thief' by Markus Zusak)

i only just realised (at approx. 18:05 on Tuesday) that it is now the year 2010 and therefore i am hereby allowed to start writing in my 2010 daily planner! *smiley face* YAY. i hope i have stuff to write.

my hair smells like honeydew! thanks to Pantene's Pro-V hair mask.. OM NOM NOM

i just MIGHT consider starting to write a diary again. heh heh. but i have to make my entries less... you know.... =D

much to love to everybody! not that anybody reads my posts. *sad*


i hate infatuation. i CURSE infatuation! infatuation RUINS LIVES!!! especially those trying to be useful vessels for the Lord. infatuation should die!!! i cast infatuation into the lake of fire! infatuation is under my feet! infatuation shall not prevail!!!!


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

pronounciation euphoria

i love saying "Nicole" in a French accent...

it's soooooo satisfying! =D

i can't think of a creative title for this post, but if you must know, it's all about names.

here are some pretty names that I don't mind having as my first name (if they actually suit me).
i've thought these over quite well and some have been added by friends because they think they're suitable for me *rolls eyes*.

Helene (alternative of Helen, suggested by GIS friends)
Sky (suggested by Tze Yang; or "Ciel", which is the French translation)
Dahlia (a flower)
Chihiro (i don't really know how this caught on.. but oh well)
Angela (suggested by Niqi)
Darcie (according to, it means "dark")
Taselin (OMG i can't believe this name doesn't exist on any baby naming website!!)
Elsie (means "My God is a vow" and is a variant of Elizabeth)
Deborah (woo hoo! Girl power! actually, it's Hebrew for "bee")
Marie (a pretty name, but it actually means "bitter"in Hebrew =S)
Cassia (another word for "Cinnamon". It was one of the constituents of the compound ointment mentioned in the Bible. apparently, it was used as a repellent =_=)

... and here are some boy names that i find rather beautiful...
Note: when i say these names are "beautiful", i don't really pay attention to the meanings of the names, but more to how they sound, how well they roll off the tongue, or how well they twinkle in my mind.

Zion (i actually know someone called by this name)

random scraps of my mind

yes, i'm starting to blog again. not like anyone reads my blog anyway *rolls eyes*. my comments are always empty.

anyway, i'm going to start drafting my blog posts from now on, rather than just sitting in front of the computer staring aimlessly into thin air trying to come up with something witty enough to post here.


i began the draft by thinking up some rather cute analogies. (CTS rubbing off on me, i know)

LOVE IS... hard to find (the genuine type). I can only be sure of its authencity if its source is God or family.

INFATUATION IS... a bucket of red-hot glowing embers... its warmth makes you smile but it can burn you if you touch it =(

GIRLS ARE... like butterflies. They're pretty, and you never know what they're really thinking.

BOYS are... like Internet pop-up ads. Annoying and usually unnecessary.

COMMUNICATION is... pretty damn difficult without a phone or the Internet.

FRIENDS ARE... like trees; they give you shade and support, but over time they may "die".

okay now that i look back at them... they don't seem so cute anymore; more like depressing =_=
oh well. that's that. so after the analogies, which i was writing at the dinner table with Ma sitting in front of me reading her books, and Ko sitting beside me playing Warcraft on his new laptop, I asked Ko, (and here is a really quotable quote which makes me laugh every time i read it):

"Can you teach me how to download pirated software?"

ahahaha... it's so funny... the bluntness of it all... the innocence and the simplicity and the nonchalantness of it all.... the worst part is, i felt no guilt whatsoever over saying that i partake of pirated software. oh dear. i'm not sure what to write now, because there's nothing to comment about really...

ANYHOO, after the inscribing of the quotable quote onto my draft book (i'm using the book that Kristen got me from Paperchase as my blog draft book... it also happens to be my spiritual experiences book, hehe) I began to list down some "pretty" names that i've collected over time.

Since i have to go for prayer meeting now, and Ma is getting very plucky because i'm still typing and not moving, i better continue in the next post.