Friday, February 26, 2010

australian wealth

today i had ICE CREAM. not just ANY ice cream. i had WENDY'S ice cream =D
i had a regular double-scoop cone. although it was a little too much more than i had hoped for, i certainly do not regret it.

i have been walking countless steps around the city square, getting from one place to the next, and i therefore conclude that i deserve something fattening once in a while. the position of "something fattening" has been hereby filled by Wendy's ice cream. i might consider some Donut King donuts in the future.. they look really creamy and mmmm... (but they're like $2,50 or something; incredibly rip-off)

perhaps in the future i will just take the junior one-scoop which costs $3.60, only $1 less than the regular double scoop. i had one scoop of Honeycomb ice cream and one scoop of Chocollo ice cream, which was supposed to be 99% fat-free but i have absolutely NO idea how they accomplished that because it still tastes SUBLIME.....

unfortunately the pictures of me and my first Wendy's ice cream are on Wengweng's camera and thus i can't upload them.





Thursday, February 25, 2010

friends exposed?

playing friends exposed on Facebook is one of my occasional past times. but it has led me to realise how little i know most of my "friends" until the point where i found myself pressing the "skip" button on numerous occasions, either because it would be weird if i posted something on their wall, or because i simply didn't know enough about that person to answer what was being asked. so what are these "friends", anyway? aren't they just profiles that add to that count on my own personal profile page? what does it matter, how many friends I've got on Facebook?

people think i'm mean for deleting "friends" off my list. but how can i call them my Friends when they used to ignore me completely and were even mean to me, let alone TALK to me... so i too will wipe them from my slate!

didn't mean to post something so negative.. but it was something i thought about as i walked back to North Terrace from Central Market (chinatown) today... yeah... i do a lot of walking, mainly because i'm scared to take the City Loop bus or the City tram... I'm scared that I won't know which stop to get off at! whereas when i walk, i can control my speed as much as i like.. heh heh... legs are still the best form of transport! =)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

assignment time.

WOW i played on a Wii today at Sister Lucy's house. it was amazing. haha... a great work out! i did rhythm boxing, step exercises, snowball fights and some SUPER DUPER hula hooping. ahh, the wonders of technology! i sweated so much i had to take a shower there and borrow a t-shirt from Lucy.

and now... back to the dreary assignments. -_-
at least i've finished my maths assignment up til the last question (which we'll ask Paul about tomorrow) and most of my biology assignment, about 85%. i feel so adult-ish writing assignments like these! like i'm already in uni or something. hmm...

i'm glad that i have more friends now, especially those from malaysia and singapore. and i kinda like how everybody calls me "Linn" here.. it reminds me of my family... =)

i went to the Adelaide Fringe on friday night with Shuwanu, Wengweng, Shabihah, Gautham and Omar. it was sort of overrated. maybe cos i didn't have time to go on any of the amusement park rides. they looked great though!! i really wanted to ride something, cos i haven't been on any thrill rides for ages... But the queue lines were outrageously long and me and Wengweng had to get back early. so i took a ride from Wengweng's homestay mum to Greenhill Road where Lee Ying picked me up and took me home. It wasn't as simple and easy as it sounded... when it got dark, it became almost impossible to orientate ourselves amongst the huge crowds and the closed roads. we would never have got ourselves out of there if Ann (the homestay mum) hadn't found us. What's more, neither me nor wengweng had managed to grab some dinner before the Fringe parade started at 7pm, so we went hungry until like 8pm++ before we found Cibo Express and decided to eat there, despite the jawdropping rip-off prices. $10 just for a spinach quiche-thingamajigg and a SMALL ice mocha!!!

but it was a great ice mocha...

ANYHOW, it turned out okay. i got home, tidied up my room and went to bed straight after that. it was the earliest i've slept in ages!!!

BTW, the pics above are some Fringe photos i took with my phone.. dont know how to get them to come down here... the layout is going all poopoo and i don't know how to get them all nice and spaced out like in Celine's blog so that i can write captions and stuff... oh well... noobs will be noobs.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

freedom of speech!

yesterday i had critical thinking class. although i'd probably known this subconsciously before, it was only made clear and apparent to me yesterday, that ANYONE and EVERYONE can post something on the Internet, and it can be ANYTHING. seriously! that kind of freedom gives me chills down my spine.

and now i'm typing with some sort of newly found liberation.


Malaysia sucks. KIDDING! haha. just testing out the liberation =D

so yeah, right now, i'm supposed to be doing some critical thinking homework using the Internet. i hate doing homework that needs me to use the Internet cos it tempts me to do other stuff i.e. facebook and MSN. =_= i need to have more self-control. haha.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

warming up (finally)

well today was quite fun. i got to know all my little classmates much better today. haha... i'm such an idiot in front of people. i always act crazy and laugh-y (or maybe i am crazy and laugh-y?) but seriously i keep on laughing at my own self. haha.. like today we were talking about boyfriends (???) and one girl told me she already has a boyfriend. and i'm like "so young and you already have a boyfriend??? you're younger than me and I don't have one!!!" then there was a pause and we were all laughing and then i was like, "haha no la i'm only kidding i had a boyfriend long before you were born" and then i realized how super stupid that just sounded and she's only like, what, 3 months younger than me? AHAHAHAH!

good times, good times.

and then i was teasing this indian girl from malaysia about this other indian guy from malaysia (cos they're both indian, so it figures, haha) but she was totally denying it.. ahah... i love bullying people =D

graphic calculators are annoying. so many stupid buttons i have to press.

well i'm glad Celine and "Sophos" (hahaha) are reading my blog =_= that makes at least two people, compared to Celine's fanbase of thousands of people. hahaha.

and recently i learnt that SOMEONE is actually stalking my blog! SECRETLY! hehehe YAYYY!!!!! ^^

more updates soon (unless i get lazy and sleep in which case more updates in two weeks time)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

some consideration

Question: can people REALLY be that insensitive?

Answer: Yes they can.

back to the blog

i have discovered what blogs are extremely useful for:

  • distracting you when you're supposed to be reading up on critical thinking.
  • gathering dust.
  • being a very disloyal and public diary.
  • being a listening ear for when the person you usually talk to isn't interested in talking at the time.

i met an incredibly weird guy today. he was this Indian guy from Singapore (i'm really hoping he doesn't read this) and he came up to me, offered his hand, and was like, "Hi, what's your name?"
And I was just like, "Er..... Linn...."

"Oh, hi Linn! I'm Handsome Jack".
"So what do I call you?"
"Handsome." (A TOTAL LIE)

*long interval* (i decided to ignore him)

"so what's your name again?"

so yeah... all it takes is a little cold shoulder and "you're weird"-type facial expressions to squeeze the common sense out of people. LOL.

well it's late... so why am i still awake. oh yes, i've remembered. tomorrow, my first class only starts at 1pm =D which means i can get up a LEEDLE later than usual tomorrow. woo hoo!
of course i will still do morning revival, as i have been doing every day this week. YAY! JIA YOU!!! =) i find that it really does revive me in the mornings.... and it helps me to get up early too. haha.

i need to choose my friends more carefully. it's so easy to get sucked into the whole vortex of picking the wrong friends 'cause once you're in their little circle it's really difficult to get OUT and then to join a NEW circle.... so i hope to make friends with more of those other students trying out for medicine... wanna get into the whole mood of helping each other out.... cos even though we're all competing for the same limited spots, we should all still help each other out, right? then at the end of the day, it'll just be the survival of the smartest/most convincing during the interview/possessor of the highest ability to answer PQA-type tests. =)

so yeah. that's all i can remember that i wanted to talk about. there's a lot more. but i can't throw it on here. THAT PERSON MIGHT READ IT =)
and no, it's not you, Esmonde. in case you're reading this blog. i'd never write anything bad about you. why do i always direct my blogposts to you nowadays? oh yeah.. it's cos youre probably the only one who ever reads it now... oh and there's Niqi too, but she can't comment cos she doesn't have a blogger account =P


until next time. good night! =)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

another hot day in un-paradise

Well here's the bare naked truth about Adelaide. It is indeed a boring place. But let's set aside the fact that the number of shopping malls here can be counted with the finger of my right hand; the weather is becoming increasingly annoying. One day it'd be the hottest most sizzling day you could ever imagine; the next day it'd be lovely and cool; then just when you thought everything was getting better, for some reason, Adelaide would put on a Malaysian façade and become all hot, humid and sticky. GOSH. The very reason why I thought Adelaide would be a nice change is because I thought it WOULDN'T be humid.....

Anyway, the weather isn't the real reason I'm writing. I'm writing mainly because today was officially my first day of college classes. I'm much too lazy to write it on here, because, number one, nobody ever reads my blog (I checked my followers, the only one following me is Esmonde, and I doubt he reads it anyway), and not everybody who comes across my blog by random change actually cares about what's happening with me. The ones who really do actually make it a point to talk to me every now and then. You know who you are =)

So yeah, all's well and good here, despite the temperamental weather. Making friends isn't a problem, and neither are the studies (at the moment, at least). But I really do miss Malaysia, and a few certain very special individuals within it.