Friday, January 8, 2010


wow this morning i just received some excellent news. Niqi was immensely touched at yesterday's home meeting, and afterwards she told me she was even more determined to get baptised now. So yesterday night she went home and called up her dad to have a talk with him and to tell him that she really wanted to get baptised, but she still needed his permission.

This morning, i found a missed call on my phone from Niqi, so i called her up to see what was the matter. Turns out, her dad agreed! Niqi is going to get baptised! PRAISE THE LORD!!! He really is the victorious One sitting on the throne! Praise Him for His sovereignty!

"Glorious freedom, wonderful freedom,
No more in chains of sin I repine,
Jesus the glorious Emancipator,
Now and forever, He shall be mine."

WOW. The Lord really does work in wonders. I'm so happy for Niqi. i really wish i could be there to witness her baptism, but if it isn't in the Lord's plan, i'll just have to accept it. I hope that someone will at least take some pictures! =P

So yeah. as it stands now, i'm probably the most entangled one out of all my friends. Celine's stopped eating her Breakfast, and so has Niqi. The Breakfasts are out of their lives... so now i'm "alone"...

nevermind... Press on! Press on!


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