some of these fan arts are really good!! i love Haku's flip flops. LOL.


here's a random fan art i found of Haku and Chihiro that doesn't really look like the original anime but still it's quite sweet. unfortunately Haku looks even more like a girl than he already does.
one of the sweetest awesomest cuddliest cutest FKJSDLKFJSDKHf-est movies i have watched in a long time. Haku is as sweet as ever; he hasn't changed a single bit since i first watched him in action when I was in Year 9. if anything, he's only gotten better! haha.
so here are a few things that either strike me, intrigue me, or make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Chihiro is such a cutie. she's supposed to be only ten years old in the movie but i feel that she's wise beyond her years, and she's much braver than she looks. if I was caught in a spirit world and my parents had just been turned into pigs and i had to deal with big-headed old witches and talking frogs and weird faceless spirits who have a crush on me, i would be pretty freaked out. (but i guess meeting Haku makes it all better. heh heh *goofy laugh*)
Haku is supposed to be twelve.
And contrary to popular belief, he is NOT a sissy neither is he "girly". in fact he's the most caring, serious, dependable, MACHO young boy i've ever seen in my life. (both in the real world and in the virtual cartoon world)
i love it how Chihiro and Haku never say "I love you" at all to each other and yet have such an obvious attachment to each other. Reading Haku/Chihiro fan fictions are BAAAD for my emotions because they make up really heart-wrenching stories about the two characters that never took place in the original movie at all but for some reason i can just IMAGINE the story happening in my mind.. Like one really sad fan fiction involved Haku dying and his last words to Chihiro were along the lines of "I love you... Continue to love me even when i'm gone..."
AND I COULD JUST IMAGINE THE SCENE... gahhhhh so saaaad...
see what i mean? it's bad for me. BAAAD.
okay mom is scolding me now because i forgot to bring our conditioner and now we have to use the hotel's crappy one. haha. also, Ko went swimming and i kinda feel bad not going with him but for goodness sake we just got to the hotel!! i wanna relaaaxxx. ;)
anyhoo, back to SPIRITED AWAY *excitement*
i find the concept of spirited away really good. it's such a frigging random theme and yet everything seems to gel together really perfectly. the whole Haku being Yubaba's apprentice thing and the entrance of no-face and the greedy bathhouse workers and Chihiro's cuteness and determination to work hard. haha. AWWW I LOVE HER.
watching Spirited Away for a second time now reminds me how much Chihiro is like me. Small, helpless, naïve, not used to hard work (haha okay actually i am QUITE used to hard work) and spoilt.. but over the course of the movie we see her transforming into a humble, persevering, loving, caring and courageous young girl... many traits there that i could never possess on my own.
as for Haku, i think they have rightly classified him as a being of the "spirit world" since there is probably no guy like him on Earth. selfless, trustworthy, kind... he didn't even HAVE to help Chihiro but he just decided to anyway. Why? WHY did he do that? that's another thing i keep asking myself. it's like a mysterious moving love that nobody can see... i used to think that Chihiro is extremely lucky for being able to meet Haku, but then again, after having met him, it would be even more painful to leave him... So why the trouble eh?
let me now take the time to remind myself that THIS IS A MOVIE. IT IS VIRTUAL. IT IS NOT REAL.
alright, i've reminded myself.
suddenly, the real world seems more appealing. and anyway, we were never meant to live in virtual reality. =]
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