Sunday, February 7, 2010

another hot day in un-paradise

Well here's the bare naked truth about Adelaide. It is indeed a boring place. But let's set aside the fact that the number of shopping malls here can be counted with the finger of my right hand; the weather is becoming increasingly annoying. One day it'd be the hottest most sizzling day you could ever imagine; the next day it'd be lovely and cool; then just when you thought everything was getting better, for some reason, Adelaide would put on a Malaysian façade and become all hot, humid and sticky. GOSH. The very reason why I thought Adelaide would be a nice change is because I thought it WOULDN'T be humid.....

Anyway, the weather isn't the real reason I'm writing. I'm writing mainly because today was officially my first day of college classes. I'm much too lazy to write it on here, because, number one, nobody ever reads my blog (I checked my followers, the only one following me is Esmonde, and I doubt he reads it anyway), and not everybody who comes across my blog by random change actually cares about what's happening with me. The ones who really do actually make it a point to talk to me every now and then. You know who you are =)

So yeah, all's well and good here, despite the temperamental weather. Making friends isn't a problem, and neither are the studies (at the moment, at least). But I really do miss Malaysia, and a few certain very special individuals within it.



Anonymous said...

You don't believe I read your blog meh.. hahaha.. write more =)

Eh, i tot msia is the worst ever place that is so hot and humid and sticky. and so adelaide is humid too ==

and why u miss msia? not used to saying thankiu? hahaha

scrumptious said...

i know you miss me. :D

Linn said...

lol! Wow, u guys... I feel so honoured to have somebody comment here... Seriously... This blog is like gathering so much dust... K la monde thanks for the encouragement =D i'll try to write more from now on. Haha... But sometimes i dunno what to write le.... Ya i miss msia very much.. It cant be described to someone who hasnt lived in another really different place before... Its really different... Actually the weather is dry, like super dry, most of the time... Its just that these few days are a bit humid.. Haha.. Thanks u guys! U made my day =]

Anonymous said...

hahaha. me is blog reader. be sure i'll read all ur posts hahaha. well, not like my blog isnt collecting dust LOL. u just gotta go college and get more inspiration and continue writing hahahaha