"Rich World, Poor World"
Piece 1: Luke's Hands 24" x 24"
Piece 2: Portrait of Luke 24" x 30"
Piece 3: Unfinished Portrait of Luke (after 5 hours)
Acrylic on store-bought primed canvases.
Textured surface created with surgical gauze and white emulsion paint.
Black streaks created with black acrylic paint applied with a house-painter's brush.
Pieces of painted wire gauze added on top for "poverty" effect.

NOTE: the colours of Piece 2 (finished portrait of Luke) are inaccurately displayed. The actual colours are richer, warmer and fuller. It's just the cacat quality of my camera-phone that's making them hazy and blunt. I'll try to get Mr Delmotte to taking a nicer one for me with his cool SLR. At the moment, the original painting is hanging outside Mr Mann's office. HA!

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