Saturday, July 25, 2009


These experiences are beyond Russell Peters.

"Doing the right thing" has evolved into a whole new cliche. In fact, it's so new, it's not even a cliche anymore. "Doing the right thing", to me, has become epic and extremely indispensable.

"Doing the right thing" no longer depends on my impression of good and bad, right and wrong; now, it's all determined by my very sensitive and, may i add, STUBBORN, conscience.

Walking away from something you want very much is the simplest and yet most painful task one could do. It's called "fleeing", as one would do from something that emanates violence or horror in any way. If we could only see these BAAAD things for what they really are, i think we would all pick up our skirts and flounce for our lives...

Unfortunately, the Strong Man has done a great job in advertising his World System in such a way that it's almost bearable.... OKAY FINE, IT'S A FANTASTIC FACADE!!! But what is a weakling like me to do? What could be easier than merely conforming to where the world is already heading? DOOOOM.

but you see, EVERY LEEDLE CHOICE makes a difference. The annoying part is that you don't get to reap your rewards until AFTER you make the choice. This may sound stupidly obvious, but we forget this all the time.

We need to learn to walk away. We need to say "no" when the situation calls for it. We need to flee when appropriate.

GAWSH it's hard living like this, and i know some stupid mistakes (made by me) are coming my way sometime... but for now, i'll just hang tight and pray for salvation from these everyday monsters.

long time no blog

hello to anyone who reads my blog. as i recently found out, people actually do. HURRAH! thanks to Celine's PR-ing on her own blog, which looks much much cooler than mine :(

anyway, I AM UNDER CONSTANT CREATIVE PRESSURE. art deal not going too well at the mo, trying to find more artist influences that i haven't ALREADY used.... maybe i should go back to my beloved Cherry Hood.

i want to make that money WORTH IT, you know? i want to have earned it, and then lie back and pat my tummy and close my eyes and exhale deeply and say, "Good on you, HL!"

so ya. Ms Alford, my all time mentor, has advised me to pay Valentine Willie's Art Gallery in Bangsar Baru, because apparently it's got loads of influence i could benefit from. The name of the gallery itself puzzles me... sounds like Marcus (the short one, haha) may pop out at any moment and go "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!!!"